Astro Data

Current Moon Phase

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The current phase of the Moon.
The current lunation number. Lunation 0 started on December 18, 1922; don't ask me why.
The percentage of the Moon which is currently visible.
The age of the current lunation.
The date and time of the last New Moon in universal time (UTC).
The date and time of the First Quarter, relative to the last New Moon, in universal time (UTC).
The date and time of the Full Moon, relative to the last New Moon, in universal time (UTC).
The date and time of the Last Quarter, relative to the last New Moon, in universal time (UTC).
Next New:
The date and time of the next New Moon in universal time (UTC).
Local Time:
The local date and time of the computer on which this applet is running.
UTC Time:
The universal (UTC) date and time, based on the date and time of the computer on which this applet is running.